Europe House Podgorica hosted on 6 December 2023 the final event of project, organised by GOPA PACE to present the results of the Techncial Assistance (TA) project that aimed to contribute to achieving progress in the EU integration process of the Montenegrin government within the transport sector. Spread over four years, the project looked at ensuring alignment of the national legislation with the EU transport acquis and at increasing the capacities for its implementation. 
 The deliverables achieved are poised to accelerate Montenegro's path to EU integration by leveraging gained knowledge and skills for future capacity building within the state administration.

Approximately 30 stakeholders attended the conference, including high-level officials and participants  from the Montenegrin Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, the Capital Projects Administration (CPA), the Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro (RIOM), and other relevant transport institutions. The panel of speakers included the Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs Mr. Filip Radulovic, H.E. the Ambassador of the European Union to Montenegro Ms. Oana-Cristina Popa, the Director of the TCT Secretariat Mr. Matej Zakonjšek, joined by the Project Director Mr. Mario Ringov and the project Team Leader Ms. Anna Krukowska. 

The Conference underscored the project's significant accomplishments and overall success. The discussion centered around EU's support of Montenegro's transport sector development, the success of the EU integration process in the transport sector, and the main deliverables of the TA project. The Final Report on the Railway Strengthening assignment and Road Safety Strategy was presented as a substantial example of support to the Montenegrin transport sector. 

The participants were provided with a unique opportunity to observe and understand the workings of this efficient transport system and its development. In fact, the progress in the transport sector appears as a great example of a successful way on Montenegro’s path of accession to the EU and TCT Action Plans, while the success of the EU integration process in the transport sector represents a success story for Montenegro. 
 The Final Conference highlighted significant achievements, reinforcing confidence in Montenegro's swift journey to EU integration. For GOPA PACE, it has been a pleasure to collaborate closely with all stakeholders, and we look foreword to future opportunities for cooperation. - Mario Ringov, Project Director - GOPA PACE 

The project "Technical Assistance for Capacity Support to the Transport Sector and EU Acquis Alignment in Montenegro," commenced its operations on the 9th of December 2019, implemented by a Consortium led by GOPA PACE in partnership with GOPA Infra, Ecorys and Avensa + KTI. Designed to span over 48 months, the project team has been diligently worked to achieve its overarching objective. 


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